Wind Farm Albringhausen II

Wind Farm Albringhausen II
In 2022 a total of 10 Enercon 160 EP5 E3 wind turbines with a hub height of 166 m and a capacity of 5.56 MW each, will be erected in Albringhausen, District of Bassum.
Commissioning: 2023
Manufacturer: Enercon PLM GmbH
Turbines: 10x Enercon 160 EP5 E3
Output: 5.56 MW
Hub Height: 166 m
Rotor Ø: 160 m
A total of 10 Enercon 160 EP5 E3 wind turbines with a hub height of 166 m and a capacity of 5.56 MW each will be erected in Albringhausen, District of Bassum.
Current Operations:
Weather permitting, the Koldewei company will soon start removing excess curve radii and excess crane staging areas. This will then also include the remediation of the crane parking areas and gravel access roads.
The Koldewei company has started the installation of a tower drainage system, which includes a connection to the existing field drainage system.
Wind turbines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been completed.
WTGs 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 have been completed, commisioned and are now in service.
Simultaneously, the DUS Kabelmontage company is laying the cables to and from the substation.
Completed Operations at the Wind Park:
The DUS Kabelmontage company has finished laying the cables to and from the substation and wind turbines.
The concrete tower assembly phase has been completed.
The Max-Bögl company has completed the construction of the foundations.
The pruning of trees and shrubs was carried out in January and February 2022 by the GaLaBau-Nietfeld company from Staken/Steyerberg. Many thanks to the Nietfeld company for their solid partnership and the impeccable execution of their work.
The dismantling of the 13 old Enron 1.5 wind turbines was completed during the 15th calendar week.
The demoliton of the 13 old Enron 1,5 Wind turbine foundations was complete on 14 April 2022. We would like to thank the Reisch Sprengtechnik GmbH company for their professionalism and impeccable work.
During week 13, the Koldwei company started with roadworks and the construction of crane parking areas. All road works were completed in May.
Foundation Builders: Max- Bögl 92369 Sengenthal
Tower Assembly: Max- Bögl 92369 Sengenthal
Tower Assembly: Wasel GmbH 50126 Bergheim
Tower Assembly: Hüffermann Krandienst 21683 Stade
Roadworks: W. Koldewei GmbH 27252 Schwaförden
Demolition & Recycling: Wiechert GmbH 49453 Hemsloh
Blasting Operations: Reisch Sprengtechnik GmbH 86974 Apfeldorf
1. KW 43 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
2. KW 50 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
3. KW 11 > Delivery & assembly of LR 11000 Hueffermann crane.
4. KW 16 > Final assembly in progress.
5. KW 17 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
6. KW 19 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 39 > Tower assembly has commenced.
2. KW 41 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
3. KW 48 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
4. KW 08 > Final assembly in progress.
5. KW 09 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
6. KW 16 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 40 > Tower assembly has commenced.
2. KW 42 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
3. KW 45 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
4. KW 08 > Final assembly in progress.
5. KW 09 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
6. KW 17 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 35 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
2. KW 40 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
3. KW 43 > Delivery & assembly of LR 11000 Hueffermann crane.
4. KW 46 > Tower, nacelle and rotor blade assembly in progress.
5. KW 50 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
6. KW 08 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 35 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
2. KW 36 > Delivery & assembly of LR 11000 Wasel crane.
3. KW 40 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
4. KW 43 > Tower, nacelle and rotor blade assembly in progress.
5. KW 48 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
6. KW 07 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 33 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
2. KW 38 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
3. KW 38 > Delivery & assembly of LR 11000 Hueffermann crane.
4. KW 42 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
5. KW 42 > Crane will be disassembled and moved to WEA 4.
6. KW 03 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 36 > Tower assembly has commenced.
2. KW 38 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
3. KW 44 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
4. KW 44 > Relocation & assembly of LR 11000 Wasel crane.
5. KW 05 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
6. KW 12 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 35 > Tower assembly has commenced.
2. KW 36 > Concrete tower assembly has been completed.
3. KW 42 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
4. KW 42 > Delivery & assembly of LR 11000 Hueffermann crane.
5. KW 04 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
6. KW 11 > WTG is online & in operation.
1. KW 41 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
2. KW 50 > Tower, nacelle and rotor blade assembly in progress.
3. KW 51 > Delivery & assembly of LR 11000 Wasel crane.
4. KW 04 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
5. KW 07 > Commissioning operations in progress.
6. KW 11 > WTG is online & in operation.
WEA 10
1. KW 42 > Delivery of blades, generator and nacelle.
2. KW 42 > Relocation & assembly of LR 11000 Hueffermann crane.
3. KW 42 > Final component assembly in progress.
4. KW 07 > Wind turbine assembly completed.
5. KW 12 > Commissioning operations in progress.
6. KW 16 > WTG is online & in operation.