“We can’t change the wind, but we can set the sails differently.” -Aristotle





We All Bear Responsibility

As a commercial enterprise, we have an economic responsibility to our employees, clients and stakeholders. However, our corporate philosophy goes beyond the purely economic level. WestWind’s entrepreneurial goal is to generate clean and affordable electricity.

This includes both an ecological and a social responsibility, which each of our employees faces every day. Our self-imposed standards also include respecting existing laws and treating every person with respect.

Westwind ENERGY Code of Conduct

1. We respect all applicable rules and laws

The applicable rules and laws are the criterions for our business operations, for every project we manage and for every activity we perform. We work with the utmost care to fulfill our personal and corporate legal obligations.

2. Protection of our clients' and employees' personal information

Our clients’, business partners’ and employees’ confidential information is of utmost importance to us. We protect all sensitive data from access by third parties. It will only be disclosed with the explicit consent of the persons or parties involved or if it is required for business operations.

3. We condemn corruption and bribery

We never promise, grant or offer advantages to public officials or business partners with the aim of gaining unlawful benefits from preferential treatment. This also applies to the undue acceleration or delay of official procedures within a legal process. Nor do we demand anything in kind from our business partners. We do not accept or allow ourselves to be promised anything.

4. Transparency and ethical behavior toward government agencies.

Whenever we cooperate with government agencies (e.g. building authorities, energy regulators or other safety authorities), we comply not only with the general rules but also with all special and specific regulations. We ensure that all communications with government agencies are with the greatest transparency and ethical behavior possible.

5. We are open and honest about existing conflicts of interest

In cases where we can only represent WestWind’s interests in a biased manner, for example, when we have a personal relationship with a business partner or a public offical, we ensure the necessary transparency towards all parties involved.

6. Financial reports and accounts in accordance with legal requirements

Our financial accounting and accounting systems, meet the highest standards of due diligence. Invoices, financial reports or balance sheets are in compliance with all legal requirements.

7. We ensure and protect our employees' health.

When it comes to protecting our health, we respect occupational health and safety standards and adhere to established operating and behavioral guidelines. We are constantly working to optimize workplace safety. Health hazards and safety gaps are eliminated as soon as they are identified.

8. We protect the environment in our day-to-day business.

Without exception, we pursue the corporate goal of generating clean electricity. We recognize that generating clean electricity begins in everyday business and we therefore handle finite resources sparingly.

9. We always communicate sincerely and candidly

We always pursue a candid and sincere information policy towards our clients, colleagues and business partners. We address shortcomings immediately and pro-actively, clarifications are not necessary.

10. We do not tolerate discrimination

We value each other as human beings. Gender, race, ethnic origin, religion, ideology, impairments, age and sexual orientation are never an issue.