Wörderfeld Wind Farm

Wörderfeld Wind Farm

We are erecting 2 Enercon-160 EP5 E3 wind turbines with a hub height of 160 m and an output of 5.56 MW each in Wörderfeld, Lügde municipality.

Commissioning: 2024 / 2025
Manufacturer: Enercon GmbH
Number: 2 x Enercon-160 EP5 E3
Nominal output: 5.56 MW
Hub height: 160 m
Rotor Ø: 160 m

We are erecting 2 Enercon-160 EP5 E3 wind turbines with a hub height of 160 m and an output of 5.56 MW each in Wörderfeld, Lügde.


Current status:

The first stage of tower construction has been completed on both towers. The foundations are currently being filled with earth. Construction of the foundations is complete. Construction of the access roads, access radii and crane parking areas began in calendar week 16, 2024.


Road Works: W. Koldewei GmbH  27252 Schwaförden
Foundation Casting: Max Bögl 92369 Sengenthal



1.  CW 31 > Casting of blinding layer.
2. CW 32 > Anchor cage assembly.
3. CW 33 > Foundation casting.
4. CW 37 > Covering of the foundation.
5. CW 39 > Delivery of the tower parts.
6. CW 49 > 1st stage of tower assembly completed.

1.  CW 32 > Casting of blinding layer.
2. CW 33 > Anchor cage assembly.
3. CW 34 > Foundation casting.
4. CW 38 > Covering of the foundation.
5. CW 40 > Delivery of the tower parts.
6. CW 50 > 1st stage of tower assembly completed.

More info

Data & photos of our projects can be found here here.

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