
Wind farm Albringhausen


A total of 7  GE-5.3-158 wind turbines, with a hub height of 161.0 m and a capacity of 5.3 MW have been erected and put into operation, Albringhausen is located in the district of Bassum.

Current work in the wind farm:

During the final inspection after commisioning, GE determined that the drivetrains required repair and maintenance work, it is currently being conducted with the help of a crawler crane.

The following companies helped realise the project:

ÖBVI Lambers & Ostendorf, 49406 Barnstorf

Subsoil expert:
Engineering geology Dr. Lübbe, 49377 Vechta

SiGeKo (Occupational Saftey):
Tobias Pohl, 27245 Bahrenborstel

Site development/road construction:
Koldewei Straßen- und Tiefbau Gmbh & Co.KG., 27252 Schwaförden

Foundation construction:
Max Bögl, 92301 Neumarkt

Tower construction:
Max Bögl, 92301 Neumarkt

Slab roads:
LiveTrakway GmbH, 74632 Neuenstein, Germany

WT Energiesysteme, 01587 Riesa, Germany

Cable route:
DUS Kabelmontage GmbH & Co. KG, 26835 Hesel

More info

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