
Tender Awarded for Albringhausen II

On 1 September 2021, WestWind ENERGY won the onshore feed-in tendering bid for its repowering project Albringhausen II. The allocation covers 10 ENERCON E-160 EP5 wind turbines with a rated output of 5.5 MW each at a price of 5.64 ct/kWh.  A total of about 1,500 MW has been awarded in contrast to 2021, where 4,500 MW were allocated.

Since 2017, the Federal Network Agency has conducted tenders to determine financial funding amounts for onshore wind turbines. The sum awarded in each case then serves as the basis for calculating payment claim amounts for feeding generated energy into public power grids.


Source: Federal Network Agency – Bid deadline September 1, 2021


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