Diepholzer Bruch Wind Farm

Diepholzer Bruch wind farm

A total of 9 wind turbines, including 8x Enercon-160 EP5 E3 with a hub height of 166.0 m and an output of 5.56 MW each and one Enercon E-138 EP3 E3 with a hub height of 130 m and an output of 4.26 MW will be built in Diepholzer Bruch, Diepholz.

Commissioning: 2024 / 2025
Manufacturer: Enercon GmbH
Count: 9x Enercon-160 EP5 E3/1Enercon E-138EP3 E3
Nominal Output: 5.56 MW/ 4.26 MW
Hub Height: 166 m / 130 m
Rotor Ø: 160 m / 138 m

A total of 9 wind turbines, including 8x Enercon-160 EP5 E3 with a hub height of 166.0 m and an output of 5.56 MW each and one Enercon E-138 EP3 E3 with a hub height of 130 m and an output of 4.26 MW are being built in Diepholzer Bruch, Diepholz. Simultaneously, 5 Enercon E-66 wind turbines will be dismantled.

Current Operations:

Dewatering measures are currently being carried out at the sites. The ground reinforcement measures were completed in week 49. Construction of the access roads, access radii and crane parking areas began in calendar week 25, 2024. At the same time, Mittelweser Rückbau & Recycling GmbH is dismantling the 5 old Enercon E-66 wind turbines.


Companies currently working at the wind farm

Road Works: Baumec Wiechert GmbH  49453 Hemsloh
Tower Recycling: Mittelweser Rückbau & Recycling GmbH, 31628 Landesbergen
Fly-over Bridge: General Dynamics 67655 Kaiserslautern
Ground Reinforcement: Menard GmbH 27283 Verden (Aller)
Aarsleff Tiefbau GmbH, 20097 Hamburg


1.   CW 25 > Crane site completed.
2.   CW 45 > Installation of cement pilings.
3.   CW 45 > Ground reinforcement measures completed.
4.   CW 47 > Presser test completed.
5.   CW 50 > Dewater measures completed.
6.   CW 51 > Instsallation of blinding layer and anchor cage.

1.   CW 25 > Crane site completed.
2.   CW 49 > Construction of access roads.

1.   CW 37 > Crane site completed.
2.   CW 47 > Cable pipe installment.

1.   CW 44 > Crane site completed.
2.   CW 47 > Ground reinforcement measures completed.

1.    CW 38 > Crane site completed.
2.    CW 46 > Ground reinforcement measures completed.

1.   CW 38 > Crane site completed.
2.   CW 49 > Ground reinforcement measures completed.

1.   CW 38 > Crane site completed.
2.   CW 49 > Ground reinforcement measures completed.

1.   CW 32 > Crane site under construction.

1.    CW 26 > Crane site under construction.


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